Power your projects with our

Technical Experts

Solve your short term and long term IT staffing challenges

Technical Consultancy Services

ACS brings to you the expertise, experience, and readily available managed resources that you can put to the best use as and when your requirements arise. Consultants are evaluated by their specific skills, delivery-oriented work, and speed. Managed completely by ACS, consultants have a frame of mind to focus their attention towards reaching the project goals.

Test Analyst

Testing is the key phase of software development to find errors, identify potential ambiguities and ensure a high-quality product release.

Using the latest Static & Dynamic Testing techniques, ACS brings in the technical knowledge to ensure all the necessary evaluations and testing protocols are enforced to identify and remove existing & probable future errors in the system.


Process Automation Architect

Automating key routines such as Payroll Processing, Banking, and Finance Applications, Retail Inventory Management and other routine tasks can lead to a significant reduction in the work overhead of an organisation.
ACS Process Automation Architects bring their expertise in building these Automation Technologies and can work closely to streamline your workflows and help you improve efficiencies across the board.


Security Architect

With experiences in techniques and technologies like Multifactor Authentication, VPN & VLAN networks, Intelligent Anti-Malware and Anti-Virus software, ACS offers to its clients the industry experts in Data Security to help you build robust systems and standard operating procedures to safeguard against data breaches, malicious attacks, and more.


Stay lean, stay flexible and
get the skills you’re looking for

Experienced technical specialists!